The home of Butul is located on Manžan, a village 5km away from the Koper city centre. Our culinary offer has different smells and flavours of Slovenian Istria and the Mediterranean.
The home of Butul is located on Manžan, a village 5km away from the Koper city centre. Our culinary offer has different smells and flavours of Slovenian Istria and the Mediterranean.
Istrian breakfasts, snacks and meals at the Butul farmhouse are something special. They consist of local and seasonal ingredients, mostly produced by us, or by working with local suppliers. It’s the same with the rest of the offer. When visiting one of the most original, special and self-contained temples of Slovenian autochthonous cuisine, where visitors are offered not only excellent dishes, but also our heart, you will have a chance to relax and enjoy yourself. This way, you can get an unforgettable peek into a unique place, its pure seasonal produce and ways of preparing dishes you dared not to even dream about! You can, of course, arrange to spend the night on the farm, and perhaps even turn your stay into longer active holidays.
Excursions to the surrounding areas are at hand and really close to the seaside.
Package itinerary
Day 1:
9:00 – 11:00 the tour of the Butul farmhouse’ herbal garden with a produce-tasting
12:00 view of the production of the Istrian ”pidoči” mussels (Debeli rtič or Strunjan)
15:30 tour of the vineyards and visit of the wine cellar from an Istrian wine-producer and wine-tasting & snacks
19:00 Istrian slow-food dinner – from field to plate, prepared with local, seasonal and fresh produce from the Primorsko region; guests have a chance to assist in preparing some of the dishes and selecting the wines from ecological vineyards
21:00 overnight stay in a room or a suite at the farm
Day 2:
8:00 Istrian breakfast on the terrace overlooking the Koper bay with the view of the Triglav mountain and the Julian Alps, all the way to the Dolomites in Italy
9:00 tour of the olive tree garden and the beehive, olive-oil and Istrian honey tasting
11:30 Planjave and Krkavče, tour of the goat-farming and goat milk produce-tasting
13:00 Sečovlje or Strunjan, tour of the salt-pans
15:00 Piran, lunch overlooking the city, with an amazing sea view
***OPEN daily APR-DEC. Pre-reservation needed.
Contact of the provider:
Kmetija Butul & Domačija Butul
Manžan 10/d, 6000 Koper
Telephone: 00386 41 718 219
SCOUTS: Edwin and Nina Munoz
May 2018 It has been a pleasure to participate in the Radio Si Scout programme. We have been at The Home of Butul! They received us with a warm smile and open arms. For me a as a Latin-American the warmness and friendly way of the host and how he treats his guests, is...